Course Announcement:
Intensive Patent Law Training Seminar
February 22-24, 2012
New York City
The Chisum Patent Academy is pleased to accept registrations for our next seminar, to be held on February 22-24, 2012 in New York City. Our venue is the American Elm conference room (Suite 503) of the Helmsley Park Lane Hotel, 36 Central Park South, New York, NY.
The three-day seminar will focus on recent and important legislative and case law developments in U.S. patent law, including the American Invents Act of 2011, post-KSR nonobviousness decisions, Therasense and the future of inequitable conduct, and the Federal Circuit’s ongoing schism over patent claim construction. Eighteen hours of CLE credit (including one hour of ethics credit) have been applied for. The registration fee is $2,750 per person.
A maximum of ten registrations will be accepted for this uniquely interactive round-table seminar. All sessions are co-taught by patent law authors and educators Donald Chisum and Janice Mueller. To register, please visit our website at or email us at