Myriad Settles – Questions Remain

Yesterday, Myriad announced it has settled the BRCA assay litigations that had been ongoing—and not going well– with Pathway Genomics, Invitae and Gene by Gene (and I assume….Ambry and Labcorp). Although I was just about at the brink of shouting “Stop The Madness” – the settlements mean that the IP community will not learn if Myriad had any patent-eligible claims in any of their assay patents. Would claims directed to mutations at specific positions of the BRCA1 or 2 genes have passed muster as that elusive “inventive concept” that both the Fed. Cir. and the S. Ct. extracted from Mayo as the standard by which to judge assays reciting abstract ideas or natural phenomena (which one is it?)?

You can read an article about the settlement on the GenomeWeb page by clicking here.

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