When I was in law school, we had but one treatise to use, the weighty “Choate on Patents” (1973). A number of “horn books” have appeared since, including the authoritative “Chisum on Patents” and his wife’s weighty treatise “Mueller on Patent Law.” With the beehive of information sources buzzing around every patent attorney’s head, any one of us would be wise to keep abreast of developments in IP law, even if they do not appear immediately to impact one’s practice.
This two-day $2,000 course should fill the bill, and if you are one of the lucky 10 participants, you stay for at least two nights in scenic Cincinnati – that’s right, this course is live! I remember that horn books from my era were a collection of edited cases followed by questions designed to ignite discussion of the holdings and rationale of the decision. The Chisum Academy promises a seminar that is interactive, and who is better qualified than he to liven up the 10 topics that will be addressed. Chisum is a real live person, and is probably the most cited authoritative commentator cited by the Bar.
In the interest of full disclosure, I note that Janice Mueller was my Law Clerk before she went to clerk at the Federal Circuit and I have taken the Chisum academy seminar. I also just received notice that her fine horn book, Patent Law, has been updated and re-released by the publisher.
Fastcase’s imprint Full Court Press published Janice’s two-volume practitioner treatise, Mueller on Patent Law, in 2021. The Mueller on Patent Law treatise is available electronically on the Fastcase legal research platform. A best-seller since its original publication in 2003, Aspen Publishing issued the seventh edition of Janice’s single-volume student text, Patent Law, in 2024. Intellectual Property Publishing House Co., Ltd. published a Chinese translation of Mueller’s PATENT LAW in 2013. For more detailed descriptions of Janice’s books, click here.