Top Apps For Lawyers

Attorney At Work, a website that provides “one really good idea every day” recently published a list of the top iPhone and iPad apps for lawyers. Joan Friedman wrote:

If you’re a smartphone or tablet user—veteran or newbie—you know there’s nothing better than a delicious new list of apps to explore. Oh, the apps! Some folks spend hours carefully investigating each one before committing to buy or even download one for free. Others, like me, take more of a tasting-table approach, feeding the insatiable app-etite by downloading and discarding from all the “most popular” lists, and testing friends’ and bloggers’ recommendations as often as possible. It was pretty great, then, when National Purchasing Partners and Verizon contacted Attorney at Work and offered to share their brand-new list of the top iPhone and iPad apps being used by lawyers at the start of 2012.

You can find this article and the list of apps here. Hopefully you will find something new to either help you or, at the very least, entertain you.

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