A lot of the speakers will have big changes in patent law and watershed case law to tackle at the American Conference Institute’s 14th Advanced Forum on Biotech Patents in Boston, Nov. 28-29, 2012. I will be speaking with Kevin Noonan on the use of the inequitable conduct defense post-Therasense and on the use of the AIA and reissue to address “fraud” issues and strengthen patents pre-litigation.
Other topics include updates and practical advice on rebutting obviousness rejections and the tensions that can create with the tenants of the “new and improved” written description requirement of Ariad (John Ivanicki, Alexander Wilson, Matthew Beaudet , Amy Hamilton and Filko Prugo). The Keynote address will be delivered by Terry Rea, Deputy Director of the PTO, with other PTO insights coming from George Elliott, the Director of 1600 and Esther Kepplinger, former Assistance Director of Examination Policy and Bob Stoll, former Commissioner of Patents. Other topics include Biosimilars, 101 issues and Akami/McKesson. So this is not just another AIA Conference. Y’all come!