Chisum On Patents – Live in Seattle!

The Chisum Patent Academy will offer its second annual Intensive Patent Law Training Workshop at its offices in Seattle, Washington, on July 29-31, 2010.  See  The workshop will focus on substantive patent law (patentability and enforcement) through analysis of critical Federal Circuit and Supreme Court decisions.  The 2009 syllabus is at; new material for the 2010 class will likely include business method patentability post-Bilski, written description requirement compliance post-Ariad, and the evolving landscape of inequitable conduct as reflected by the Federal Circuit’s recent grant of rehearing en banc in Therasense.  The workshop is team-taught in seminar style (maximum of 10 students) by Donald Chisum, author of the treatise Chisum on Patents (LexisNexis), and Professor Janice Mueller, author of Patent Law, 3d Edition (Aspen 2009).  Chisum and Mueller have a combined total of over 40 years experience teaching patent law.  The workshop’s coverage is geared for junior patent attorneys, summer associates, engineers, scientists, paralegals, information specialists, and attorneys experienced in non-patent fields who desire an intensive introduction to patent law.  Eighteen hours of CLE credit have been applied for.  For registration details, see


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