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This blog, Patents4Life, does not contain legal advice and is for informational purposes only. Its publication does not create an attorney-client relationship nor is it a solicitation for business. This is the personal blog of Warren Woessner and does not reflect the views of Schwegman Lundberg & Woessner, or any of its attorneys or staff. To the best of his ability, the Author provides current and accurate information at the time of each post, however, readers should check for current information and accuracy.
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Category Archives: Ag Biotechnology
“The Good Wife” Defends GMOs
Last Sunday’s episode of “The Good Wife” featured a Christian mediation between a farmer (Robert Joy) sued by a Pioneer-like company, represented by the actor Richard Thomas, for saving GMO corn seed for replanting. The facts were a mash-up of … Continue reading
Patentability Issues for Plants in the EPO
While this decision from the EPO Technical Board of Appeal raises more questions than it answers, it does a very good job of framing the issues and uncertainty regarding the patentability of plants in the EPO. The claim was to … Continue reading
Supreme Court Decides Bowman v. Monsanto for Monsanto
On May 13th, a unanimous Court found that the doctrine of patent exhaustion “does not allow the purchaser to make new copies of the patented invention.” [A copy of decision is at the end of this post.] In this case, the patented … Continue reading
Posted in Ag Biotechnology
Tagged biotechnology law, biotechnology news, intellectual property, ip, monsanto, Patent Law, patents, Supreme Court, Warren Woessner
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Supreme Court Hears “Replicant Soy Bean” Appeal
Since I did a perfectly concise, coherent even, post when the Supreme Court granted cert. in Monsanto v. Bowman back in October, I don’t really have a lot to add. The bloggers and news services have paid a lot of … Continue reading
Posted in Ag Biotechnology
Tagged biotechnology law, Monstanto v Bowman, Supreme Court, Warren Woessner
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