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Category Archives: Federal Circuit News
Biden’s Nominee to the Fed. Cir. is Perkins Coie Litigator
Tiffany P. Cunningham is a partner in the patent litigation practice of Perkins Coie. Importantly, she has a degree in Chemical Engineering from M.I.T. before receiving her J.D. from Harvard. The Court is in need of a judge that is … Continue reading
Limelight Networks v. Akamai Tech. – Cert. Denied
Today the Supreme Court declined to hear Limelight’s petition for cert. on the question of whether an accused infringer may be held liable for direct infringement of a claim to a method where multiple parties perform the steps of the … Continue reading
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O’Malley Nomination To Fed. Cir. Moves Forward
On September 23rd, the Senate Judiciary Committee approved the nomination of Judge Kathleen O’Malley (N.D. Ohio) to fill a vacancy on the Federal Circuit. Judge O’Malley has handled significant IP litigation and is married to veteran Covington patent litigator George Pappas. Like … Continue reading