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Category Archives: AIA Patent Reform
USPTO Proposes Rules To Implement Micro Entity Patent Fee Provisions Of AIA
A guest post from Gary Speier, shareholder with Schwegman, Lundberg & Woessner. Last week, the USPTO published a Federal Register notice proposing rules for implementing certain provisions of section 10 of the America Invents Act related to micro entities. (A … Continue reading
A “Modest Proposal” For The RCE Crisis
Commentators, including Prof. Hal Wegner, have been sounding the alarm regarding the increasing number of requests for continuing examination that applicants are filing. The PTO projects 325,000 RCE’s by FY 2018. They have gone further in recent posts, in attributing … Continue reading
Supplemental Examination Decision Tree – Lots of Dead Branches?
Well, I wish it were that simple, but I keep trying to conjure examples that would lead me to use supplemental examination to “purge inequitable conduct (IC)” that I discover after my patent issues, and which could provide the basis … Continue reading
PTO Proposes Supplemental Examination Rules – Extremely Expensive and Incredibly Complex
On January 25, 2012, the USPTO published proposed rules to implement the supplemental examination provisions of the America Invents Act (“AIA”). This procedure is intended to be utilized by patent owners to “clean up” patents of iffy validity before, say, … Continue reading
Posted in AIA Patent Reform
Tagged America Invents Act, Examination, Patent Law, Therasense, USPTO, Warren Woessner
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