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Category Archives: Stem Cells/Cloning
Supreme Court Denies Cert. in Sherley v. Sebelius
The pesky worry about a possible Supreme Court review of the ruling by the D.C. Court of Appeals affirming the Circuit Court’s dismissal of a challenge to the 2009 NIH Stem Cell Funding Guidelines – which permitted NIH funding of … Continue reading
Appellate Court Ruling Permits Continued NIH Funding of Embryonic Stem Cell Research
On August 24th, the D.C. Cir. ruling dismissing the suit brought to block any federal funding of embryonic stem cell research was affirmed. Stem cell researchers can breathe a bit more easily, and keep the lights on in their labs … Continue reading
Posted in Stem Cells/Cloning
Tagged biotechnology law, stem cell research, Warren Woessner
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Sherley v. Sibelius – The Undead Threat To Stem Cell Funding
Green Energy Sources When a three judge panel of the US Court of Appeals for the D.C. Cir. dismissed a preliminary injunction obtained by plaintiffs in April 2011, and the lower court judge then dismissed plaintiffs’ suit to block the … Continue reading
EU High Court Bans Patents on Cells Requiring Processing Human Embryos
Defining “human embryos” broadly, The Court of Justice of the European Union has ruled that pluripotent stem cells derived from human embryos and totipotent stem cells derived from blastocysts are not patentable if they are obtained by destroying human embryos … Continue reading
Posted in Stem Cells/Cloning
Tagged human embryos, Patent Law, pluripotent, stem cells, Warren Woessner
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