This post could have been “The Revival of the March-In Rights of the Bayh-Dole Act.”
The passage of the Bayh-Dole Act in 1980 permitted universities to take title to inventions made with federal funding and grant licenses to commercial entities. These licenses were notably to “small business concerns” such as start-ups in the pharma and biotech ventures running on capital attracted by professors and their IP rights. Sections 200-212 covered the “who, how, what and were” requirements for universities to obtain title to inventions made with government funding and occupy pages 93-107 of the Act as presented by J. M. Samuels’ “Patent Trademark and Copyright Laws.” The requirements that must be met include the now-universal notice clause on resultant patents, “The invention was made with Government Support [usually naming the agency and the grant number] and that the Government has certain rights in the invention.”