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Tag Archives: Alice Corp
The “Top Ten” IP Stories of 2014 (Most “Definitely”)
I don’t think I can recall a more action-packed year for intellectual property law in my career, much less during the almost six years that I have been writing this blog. I am trying to write this while in transit, … Continue reading
PLANET BLUE v. NAMCO – Abstract at the “Point of Novelty”
In McRO, Inc. d.b.a. Planet Blue v. Namco Bandai Games America, civ. No. CV 12-10322-GW (FFMx) (C. D. Cal., Sept. 22, 2014), the granted Defendant’s motion for judgment on the pleadings that US Patent numbers 6,307,576 and 6,611, 278, were … Continue reading
USPTO issues post- Alice examination guidelines
A copy of the guidelines can be found here: alice_pec_25jun2014 I will comment on this later.
Oral Arguments – Can Alice Get Out Of “Wonderland”?
And by “Wonderland” I am referring to the maze of hypotheticals and questions that were thrown at Carter G. Phillips by the Justices during his opening argument for Alice Corp. (A copy of the transcript can be found at the … Continue reading