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Tag Archives: Bayh-Dole Act
University Research In The Marketplace: Bayh-Dole Act Is A “Job Creator”
Although some have criticized this law as distracting public colleges from their true calling of generating knowledge (unless it supports global warming or evolution ), this mapped out summary (link below) of only some of patents licensed under Bayh-Dole demonstrates how the … Continue reading
Posted in Tech Transfer
Tagged Bayh-Dole Act, biotechnology, biotechnology law, Patent Law, Warren Woessner
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Senator Leahy Urges NIH to Exercise “March-in” Rights on Myriad’s Tests
The Bayh-Dole Act of 1980 grants universities the right to elect to take title in any patent application and patent that was made by their researchers with the support of the Government, e.g., NIH. 35 USC s. 200 et seq. This … Continue reading
Top 2011 IP Stories on Patents4Life
I spent a day or two looking back over the breaking IP news that resulted in posts on Patents4Life. I wrote most of them, but want to take a pause to thank regular contributors Paul Cole, Ron Schutz and Stefan … Continue reading
Posted in Miscellaneous
Tagged AIA, America Invents Act, AMP, ANDA, Bayh-Dole Act, biotechnology, biotechnology law, biotechnology news, caraco, court of appeals, Dr. Stefan Danner, European patent, Federal Circuit, intellectual property, ip, microsoft v i4i, Myriad, Patent Law, patents, Paul Cole, Pharmaceutical law, Prometheus v. Mayo, saint-gobain, Schutz, sherley, Stanford v Roche, Supreme Court, Therasense, USPTO, Warren Woessner, WDR
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Supreme Courts decides Stanford v. Roche – Clarifies Scope of Bayh-Dole Act
On June 6, 2011, the Supreme Court rejected Stanford’s arguments that provisions of the Bayh-Dole Act created university ownership rights to inventions made by university employees with federal funding. (A copy of the decision is found at the end of … Continue reading