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Tag Archives: biotechnology law
“Isolated” Natural Products Still in Purgatory Post-PTO Guidance?
Recently, a new class of antibiotic, teixobactin, was discovered in the soil in a Boston researcher’s backyard via a high throughput in situ screening chip that detected individual bacteria capable of growing in an uncultured state. The resulting isolates were … Continue reading
Genetic Engineering Makes the Blacklist
James Spader was quirkily funny as Denny Crane’s partner on “Boston Legal,” but NBC’s “The Blacklist” has him operating totally outside of the law. He plays Raymond Reddington, an enigmatic figure who reveals to a black-ops FBI agent the evil … Continue reading
USPTO Myriad-Mayo Guidance Still Not At An Alpha Standard
This is a guest post from Paul Cole. As readers will be aware, the USPTO published revised Guidance on Section 101 eligibility in December 2014 together with Nature-Based Examples and Abstract ideas examples. These materials and the case-law on which … Continue reading
Enzo Biochem V. Applera Corp. – When “Words Can Hurt You”
On March 16, 2015 (Appeal no. 2014-1321), the Fed. Cir. reversed the district court’s construction of a claim term relating to the scope of “A,” a moiety capable of direct or indirect signaling that is attached by a linker to … Continue reading