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Tag Archives: FDA
Is the “Blocking Patent” Doctrine Part of the Obviousness Analysis?
Last year, in a lengthy split decision, a Fed. Cir. panel affirmed the district court’s ruling that four “add-on” patents that Acorda owned were invalid as obviousness in view of a number of prior art references (Acorda Ther., Inc. v. … Continue reading
Posted in Section 103
Tagged Acorda Therapeutics, Ampyra, FDA, Hatch-Waxman, judge dyk, Judge Taranto, Merck v Teva, Roxanne Labs, Supreme Court
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FDA Releases Outline of Guidance for Developing Tests Based on Human Genetic Variants
The FDA is charged with regulating “Next Generation Sequencing (NGS) Tests,” and has just released draft guidance on what needs to be regulated. (A copy of the first draft and second draft can be found at the end of this … Continue reading
Why Did the Chicken Cross the Road? To Get New Genes!
Jay Cormier has a new post on the FDA Law Blog called “Tastes Like Chicken: Second ‘BioPharm’ Animal Approved to Produce Biological to Treat Orphan Disease Includes 6th Rare Pediatric Disease Priority Review Voucher.” He writes: On December 8, 2015, … Continue reading
Posted in Supreme Court News
Tagged BioPharm, FDA, intellectual property, ip, Jay Cormier, Patent Law, patents, Warren Woessner
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FDA Finalizes Biosimilar Guidance
The Regulatory Affairs Professional Society (RAPS) has posted an informative article “After Three-Year Delay, FDA Finalizes Guidance Documents on Biosimilarity.” The article includes links to the final guidance documents. You can find the article here.