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This blog, Patents4Life, does not contain legal advice and is for informational purposes only. Its publication does not create an attorney-client relationship nor is it a solicitation for business. This is the personal blog of Warren Woessner and does not reflect the views of Schwegman Lundberg & Woessner, or any of its attorneys or staff. To the best of his ability, the Author provides current and accurate information at the time of each post, however, readers should check for current information and accuracy.
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Tag Archives: Janice Mueller
Chisum Patent Academy
The Federal Circuit and Supreme Court Have Already Issued 100 Precedential Patent Opinions in 2017! Are You Up to Speed? Stay on top of the latest critical developments by joining us this spring in Houston or Cincinnati. The Chisum Patent … Continue reading
Supreme Court Rewrites the Law of Enhanced Damages
This is a guest post by Janice M. Mueller of Chisum Patent Academy. Today the Supreme Court rewrote the law of enhanced damages for willful patent infringement by issuing a unanimous decision in No. 14-1513, Halo Elecs., Inc. v. Pulse … Continue reading
Takeaways from Chisum’s Washington, D.C. September 2015 Seminar
On September 24-25, 2015, the Chisum Patent Academy held a two-day seminar at the offices of Kaye Scholer LLP in Washington, DC to discuss and debate current developments in U.S. patent law. The roundtable seminar group was limited to ten … Continue reading
Janice Mueller’s New Article: Patent -Ineligible Methods of Treatment
Patent-Ineligible Methods of Treatment Janice M. Mueller Chisum Patent Academy October 3, 2015 Janice M. Mueller, Patent-Ineligible Methods of Treatment, in MUELLER ON PATENT LAW, VOL. I (PATENTABILITY AND VALIDITY) (Wolters Kluwer Law & Business 2012), last revised October 2015 … Continue reading