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This blog, Patents4Life, does not contain legal advice and is for informational purposes only. Its publication does not create an attorney-client relationship nor is it a solicitation for business. This is the personal blog of Warren Woessner and does not reflect the views of Schwegman Lundberg & Woessner, or any of its attorneys or staff. To the best of his ability, the Author provides current and accurate information at the time of each post, however, readers should check for current information and accuracy.
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Tag Archives: Nautilus
Patents4Life is Six Years Old this Month. Happy Birthday to Us!
Six years ago, In re Kubin caused a flurry of concern among biotech practitioners, and a short article on this decision was the first post on Patents4Life. That was a pretty big “story” at the time but we all had … Continue reading
Posted in Miscellaneous
Tagged Amgen, biotechnology, FDA, Kimble v. Marvell, Nautilus, Patent Law, s. 101, Teva v. Sandoz, Tharasense, USPTO
The “Top Ten” IP Stories of 2014 (Most “Definitely”)
I don’t think I can recall a more action-packed year for intellectual property law in my career, much less during the almost six years that I have been writing this blog. I am trying to write this while in transit, … Continue reading
Nautilus v. Biosig – Solving Insoluble Ambiguity?
Today the Supreme Court unanimously rejected the Fed. Cir.’s standard for resolving challenges to validity under s.112 para.2, based on whether or not a claim was “amenable to construction” and not “insolubly ambiguous”. Noting that Nautilus had urged that a patent … Continue reading
Posted in Section 112(2) - Indefiniteness
Tagged Biosig, Federal Circuit, Markman, Mayo v Prometheus, Nautilus, Supreme Court
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Supreme Court Will Review Limelight and Nautilus
Continuing its heightened interest in IP law, on Friday the Supreme Court granted petitions for cert. to review Limelight Networks, Inc. v. Akami Technologies, Inc., U.S., No 12-786 and Nautilus, Inc. v. Biosig Instruments, Inc., U.S., 13-339. The other two … Continue reading