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Tag Archives: patents
Sandoz Launches First Biosimilar Drug in U.S.
A new chapter in the generics/innovator wars began Thursday as Sandoz, Novartis’ generics division launched its Neupogen biosimilar, Zarxio, in the U.S. at about a 15-30% discount from the price of Neupogen. While biosimilars have been marketed in Europe since 2006, Congress … Continue reading
Posted in Biosimilars
Tagged Biosimilars, biotechnology, biotechnology law, biotechnology news, intellectual property, ip, Novartis, Patent Law, patents, Sandoz, Warren Woessner, Zarxio
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Another Claim Bites the Dust left by Teva v. Sandoz
Although the jury found the claims valid, and the Fed. Cir. affirmed, this decision, which found that the claims were not insolubly ambiguous, was revisited by the Fed. Cir. While there are pages on issue preclusion, in the end, the … Continue reading
Chisum Patent Academy – Seattle 2015 Seminar Takeaways
This is a guest post from Donald Chisum and Janice Mueller. On August 12-14, 2015, the Chisum Patent Academy held a three-day seminar at the historic Mayflower Park Hotel in downtown Seattle, Washington to discuss and debate current developments in … Continue reading
Sequenom’s En Banc Petition
Sequenom’s Petition for Rehearing En Banc – Panel Ignored “Inventive Concept” in Combined Steps of the Claimed Method For any of us practitioners encountering increasing numbers of s. 101 rejection rejections of diagnostic claims based on Mayo and the March … Continue reading