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This blog, Patents4Life, does not contain legal advice and is for informational purposes only. Its publication does not create an attorney-client relationship nor is it a solicitation for business. This is the personal blog of Warren Woessner and does not reflect the views of Schwegman Lundberg & Woessner, or any of its attorneys or staff. To the best of his ability, the Author provides current and accurate information at the time of each post, however, readers should check for current information and accuracy.
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Tag Archives: Section 101
USTPO Releases Proposed Revised Section 101 Eligibility Guidelines
On January 7th, the Patent Office released proposed revised s. 101 eligibility examination guidelines for public comment. The proposed Guidelines would supersede MPEP 2016.04(II), the section that controls the analysis conducted at step 2A of the Mayo/Alice test “to the … Continue reading
Roche Molecular Systems, Inc. v. Cepheid – Are Primers “Natural Products”?
Anyone familiar with the fate of claims to primers used in PCR, to amplify a stretch of target DNA in order to determine whether or not a significant mutation is present, could write the opinion in this appeal (No. 2017-1690 … Continue reading
Ex Parte Schwartz – A Pyrrhic Reversal of a 101 Rejection
The PTAB decision reversing the Examiner’s s. 101 rejection in Ex Parte Schwartz, Appeal 2017-004975 (August 2, 2018) both demonstrates the need for more Examiner training on the ever-changing definition/identification of an abstract idea, particularly in the context of inventions … Continue reading