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Tag Archives: USPTO examiner
Ohio Willow Wood Co. v. Alps South, LLC – Inequitable Conduct Lives!
In October, I spoke at AIPLA with James Carmichael, who used to head up the “Fraud Squad” at the PTO. He noted that there had only been three Fed. Cir. decisions upholding findings of inequitable conduct (IC) since Therasense, two … Continue reading
SLW Invites You To A Free Webinar – America Invents Act: What Corporate Counsel Need To Know
Please join Schwegman, Lundberg & Woessner, P.A. for an hour-long discussion on how combining litigation, reexamination, and interference results in the USPTO’s new adversarial proceedings: inter partes review and post-grant review. The AIA offers these proceedings to provide efficient patentability … Continue reading
The USPTO has announced the implementation of a pilot program, effective from May 16th until September 30th, to permit applicants to file IDS statements after payment of the issue fee in utility and reissue applications, without the need to continue … Continue reading
Eurand v. Mylan –A “School Of Obviousness”
When I read the April 16th decision (App. No. 2011-1399, -1409 (Fed. Cir. April 16, 2012)) (a copy is available at the end of this post) in which a Fed. Cir. panel of Newman, O’Malley and Reyna reversed a district … Continue reading